The International Police Confederation (IPC) is mainly reserved for members of law enforcement and special units, active or retired (police, army, customs, penitentiary), private security and sponsored civilian members. This organization is a link between different security forces to exchange technical and operational police practices, cooperation and know-how of experts and organizations around the world. This structure is led by a group of recognized professional instructors, with the founder and world president Captain Jacques Levinet, international expert and founder of the IPC and worldwide wellknown. The membership of the IPC, subject to conditions, opens the rights to participation in international internships, seminars, meetings, meetings, recognitions and professional information. No politics and no religion at the IPC
The ROS is a formidable and very efficient intervention method created by Captain Jacques Levinet for law enforcement and special police units and some security professionals. Special intervention units, in Europe and worldwide such as BOPE in Brazil, some army units and other defense groups, like the Spetsnaz in Russia or the GAD in Argentina, have already undergone special instruction in Police Training ROS with the French expert. A real progress for Police and Army.
Captain Jacques Levinet, having led his own reflection on the subject, has developed a revolutionary method of the 21th century to pull all the true substance of this not lethal weapon. So thus was born Operational Tonfa Police or OTP which is, not a new name, but an unpublished and successful process for an intermediate and complementary use with the handgun and the handcuffs. The OTP arouses from now on an interest growing up all over the world.
Captain Jacques Levinet has developed his own revolutionary method adapted to XXI century. And thus the Police Operational Baton or BOP was born, which is not a new designation, but a unique and effective process for law enforcement units, for an intermediary and complementary use between gun and handcuffs. The BOP method differs considerably from the American ASP (Armament System and Procedures) and now there is growing interest worldwide.