The U.S. National Response Team (NRT) is an organization of 15 Federal departments and agencies responsible for coordinating emergency preparedness and response to oil and hazardous substance pollution incidents. The Environment Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) serve as Chair and Vice Chair respectively. The National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) and the Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR part 300) outline the role of the NRT and Regional Response Teams (RRTs). The response teams are also cited in various federal statutes, including Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) – Title III and the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act (HMTA).
More Information on the NRT and RRTs:
NRT-NRS Outreach Presentation (2020)
The National Response Team (NRT) – National Response System (NRS) Outreach presentation provides a thorough review of topics ranging from the NRS, the NRT and its agency’s assets, Regional Response Teams (RRTs,) and the National Response Framework (NRF). Note: The PowerPoint file is large and may require a few moments to download. (Revision note: Slides 9 and 10 were last updated in December 2019 to reflect current data and add references).
NRS Executive Briefing (2017)
The National Response System (NRS) Executive Briefing presentation provides a “10,000 foot view” about the NRS, National Response Team (NRT), and its agencies.
Emergency Support Function (ESF) #10 Oil and Hazardous Materials Response Annex to the National Response Framework (NRF) (2015)
The presentation describes the scope of Emergency Support Function (ESF) #10 work and related support for various incidents, from natural disasters to chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear (CBRN) incidents, under the National Response Framework (NRF). The presentation details how the ESF is organized, special teams and equipment assets, and funding mechanisms.
NRS Brochure (2020)
Provides a general overview of the key components of the National Response System (NRS) which ensures that threats from hazardous chemical releases, oil discharges and other toxic spills are effectively managed.
NRT Brochure (2020)
Provides a general overview of the key components of the National Response Team (NRT), which has nationwide responsibilities for interagency planning, policy guidance and coordination for oil and hazardous substance pollution incidents.
RRT Brochure (2019)
Provides an overview on the roles and responsibilities of Regional Response Teams (RRTs) and formatted as a bi-fold brochure. Please visit RRT websites for more information (click on “RRTs” found in the navigation bar at the top of this page).
RRT Factsheet (2019)
Provides an overview on the roles and responsibilities of Regional Response Teams (RRTs). The factsheet is formatted as a “one-pager” (letter sized) and contains information very similar to the RRT Brochure. Please visit RRT websites for more information (click on “RRTs” found in the navigation bar at the top of this page).
Standing Committees
The NRT has three standing committees: Preparedness, Response, and Science and Technology. When deemed necessary by either individual NRT committees or the NRT in its entirety, the NRT will establish Ad Hoc committees and/or workgroups to address issues that exceed the capabilities, resources or available time of its standing committees.
Preparedness Committee – The NRT Preparedness Committee provides support to On- Scene Coordinators (OSCs) and Regional Response Teams (RRTs). The purpose of the Preparedness Committee is to improve both oil and hazardous substance incidents preparedness for the response system. The Preparedness Committee implements activities designed to assist the RRTs in enhancing their preparedness capabilities, improve preparedness for responses to oil and hazardous material spills, prevent spill impacts to the natural and built environments, and reduce safety hazards to first responders and the public.
Response Committee – The NRT Response Committee provides support to OSCs and RRTs. The Response Committee also provides the NRT a forum to assess the effectiveness of oil spill and hazardous substances incident reporting and response mechanisms established by the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP), provides a feedback loop to OSCs and RRTs regarding their reports of response actions, makes recommendations regarding improvements to the response system.
Science and Technology Committee – The NRT Science and Technology Committee serves to provide technical support to OSCs and RRTs on issues relating to oil and hazardous substances releases; on-going, past and proposed research; developments in technology; and recommendations for future national research and development.